Timeslice films crunchbase
Timeslice films crunchbase

How long do you want to see the availability in the future? 1 yearĬalculate the total # of periods. How long do you want to see the availability in the past? 3 months

timeslice films crunchbase

The easiest way to do this is to give an example using the DAILYRESOURCEAVAILCURVE. If (From Date + X Rollover Intervals) > TodayĮxpiration Date = From Date + (X Rollover Intervals) Although you’re allowed to enter a date here, the system ignores what you enter. If anything is in error, please let me know and I'll update.Įxpiration Date – Date when interval is set to be rolled over. Let me add some information I found a while ago (I cannot remember who provided it to me, or where I found it, but thanks to the original author) What this means is that our time-varying data regularly moves forward as time passes so that we constantly have up-to-date information in our Clarity views.ĭata outside that timeslice definition will not be included/displayed in the portlets that are based on this timeslice.Īll you need to do is decide where you want to place these ‘rulers’ and how long you want them to be. Which means now our "ruler" shows:įeb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan The result means that now our ruler starts on February 1 and finishes on January 31, so we still see 12 months of data but from the new ‘From’ date. So, at the start our ruler’s ‘Rollover Interval’ might be Monthly, and the ‘Expiration’ date might be July 1, which means when that date arrives, our ruler will shift to the right by one month. If your rollover interval is monthly, the Expiration date will change on the first of each month. For custom timeslice you can select the rollover interval.

timeslice films crunchbase

This is the rollover date.įor default timeslices, the interval is set by the system. The ‘Rollover Interval’ represents the amount of time the ruler will move to the right when the ‘Expiration’ĭate is reached. Now factor in the ‘Rollover Interval’ and the ‘Expiration’ date. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec So let’s imagine that a 12-inch ruler represents 12 months of data that starts on January 1, so you can see data to the end of December 31. The ‘From’ date (where the data starts) and the end of the ruler represents the end of the data window that the ruler represents. Imagine a time slice as a ruler, where the ruler markings are the ‘Slice Period’, the length of the ruler represents the ‘Number of Periods’, the start of the ruler represents

timeslice films crunchbase

This means any data that varies over time, such as Actuals, Allocations, Availability, Baseline, Estimates, and Time Entries. Special thanks goes to Steve Robinson for his work on this. This is a very fundamental aspect of Clarity but there are often questions about time slices, what they are, what the different aspects of their definition mean etc.hence this posting as a reminder/clarifier.

Timeslice films crunchbase